
Into The Unknown – Returning To Disney

While I’m thrilled that Walt Disney World will reopen the theme parks in July, I’m nervous about planning my next trip. 

My annual pass is ready, my resort reservations for this summer are still valid, and now I’m waiting to see if I qualify to book a park reservation. (Under the new restrictions, having a ticket or an annual pass to enter the park isn’t enough. Guests must book reservations for the days they wish to use their theme park tickets.)

To quote Elsa, I’m definitely going “into the unknown” and quite frankly this deciding “if to go” and “when to go” is turning out to feel more difficult than the extended closure.

I’ve been asking the same questions of myself over and over. And so far, the answer to all of them has been, “yes.”

Do I want to be in Walt Disney World no matter what the restrictions may be? Yes

Am I scared? Yes

Will wearing a mask all day put a damper on things? Yes

Am I excited that the parks will be extremely uncrowded? Yes

Will I worry every time someone coughs near me? Yes

Am I curious about how it will all work? Yes

Will it be exhausting to keep up with all the hand washing, sanitizing, mask-wearing, and social distancing? Yes

Am I happy to return to a Disney without FastPasses? Yes

Am I scared to get on an airplane? Yes

Could I handle a two-day car trip to get to Disney? Yes

Do I feel like Disney is the cleanest it has ever been and will ever be? Yes

Would I be okay with a trip that includes more resort time than park time? Yes

Am I going to freak out every time someone in my party forgets to stand six feet apart? Yes

Will I regret not going? Yes

Will I hide my vacation planning from my non-Disney friends? Yes

Will a trip make me happy? Yes

Am I going to wait until the last possible moment to decide? Yes

Should I go? Yes

Should I wait? Yes

My eyes and ears will be glued to social media from July 11-31 to see how it all unfolds. I bet the same is true for many of you too.

A lot of hope is riding on Disney’s success. And I’m not just talking about for Disney fans and the visiting theme parks in general. If Disney can show the world how to gather in large groups safely, then other activities that we love—sporting events, concerts, live theater, and art festivals—can return to our lives as well.

No pressure Disney. No pressure at all!

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