
Disney, Party of 1

I’m really doing this. I’m taking my first solo trip to Disney.

As the date approaches, I’m equally excited and nervous. Is Disney going to be as fun without my family? Should I have invited a friend to come along? I guess I’ll know the answer in a couple of weeks.

Here’s what I’m looking forward to:

#1 Following my own agenda

There won’t be a single person swaying me to do something or forcing me to skip something. I get to decide everything! And, yes, I’m doing the Frozen sing along for the first time.

#2 Joining a tour

I’ve signed up to take the 8 a.m. “Marceline to Magic Kingdom” tour for $49. This will require me to get up at 6 a.m. and travel by Minnie Van to the Magic Kingdom at 7 a.m., but I couldn’t be more thrilled. I heard that the tour sometimes ventures behind the scenes into the Haunted Mansion. Since HM is my favorite of all Disney attractions, that would be a dream come true.

#3 Spending hours in the lobby 

Lots of Disney bloggers have their favorite places on property to hide out and write—like the lobby of the Animal Kingdom Lodge, the Boardwalk’s Belle Vue Lounge, or overlooking Bay Lake from Copper Creek’s Geyser Point Bar & Grill. I’m determined to try out these spots or maybe find a gem-spot of my own.

#4 Shopping

I will definitely enjoy the leisure of browsing every nook and cranny of Main Street, U.S.A. and every corner of every pavilion at the World Showcase. Not only are these shopping locations filled with interesting merchandise, they are filled with genuine antiques, theming and backstories, and lots of Disney memorabilia. 

#5 Fun in the sun

Disney has several sandy areas along its lakes for lounging—perfect spots to take in some pleasure reading. Unlike the pools, the “beaches” are typically quiet because they are not areas where guests can swim. (Safety Tip: Florida lakes are inhabited by dangerous snakes and alligators. Swimming and hanging out along the shoreline of any lake or canal is a big no-no.)

Here’s what I’m dreading:

#1 Eating alone

Do I bring a book? Do I bring my laptop? Do I just stare at people? I’m worried that I’m going to have nothing but 10-minute meals this whole journey. Sit, eat, and leave. 

#2 Not having anyone to talk to

I’m really going to have to work to find people who want to talk Disney with me. I’m thinking the queues will be the best place to strike up conversations. These are my favorite ice-breakers: “I love your Disney shirt, where did you get it?”, “What do you think of your resort?”, “What’s the best thing you’ve done so far?” (Yikes, this is more stressful than dating.)

#3 Selfies

I really dislike taking selfies. (Remember, I’m the same age as the MK, so Instagram is not my forte.) It takes me a loooooonnnnnggggg time set up and actually snap a selfie and even then, it rarely turns out to my liking. But I am determined to document this adventure so I’m going to have to figure it out. (Yes, I could utilize the Photopass photographers, but I find that prospect equally embarrassing.)

#4 Overspending

Without the check and balance of a spouse or friend, I am nervous that I am going to overspend in the areas of food and transportation. When alone, the temptation to order room service or take a taxi gets the best of me.

#5 Not wanting to go home

I live up north and this winter has been a pretty damn cold. Am I really going to want to come back to melting ice and mud at the end of all this?

So, it looks like all I need for a successful solo trip is a little bravery and the will power to stay on budget. Have you ever taken a companionless trip to Disney? I’d love to hear how you made it work. Share your tips in the comments below.

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